          AP: First Lady charms queen away from protocol AP: First Lady charms queen away from protocol... You are the rich and 結婚西裝 famous, you own the public power, you need always prefer someone keep dist 酒店經紀ance from you and watch you quietly, because if not nice and charm, how could she or he tooled fooled 找房子so many to get the stick to show up? That may explain how come you are rich and famous, you must not have kid or kids to pr 婚禮顧問ovide the sticks for your own kids to be pierced down. That how you need to kill U.K.Queen for she obviously too old to have any good sense rema 室內設計ining to know what's going on. That how you need to kill all U.K. cabinet, for they obviously all committed the treason crime to allow USA liar abusive illegal Wh 賣房子ite House residents and he-them slaves to get the stick to show their U.K.Queen stupid bad ugly evil sucking out. That how you need to kill those 4 sucking liars's faces showed appear 租屋網ing above the head line words "SAVED THE WORLD TODAY"; you need to kill those 4 sucking liars pictured showed appearing above that head line in in order to save the world 室內設計to deserve a life. First Lady committed the crime against "認真", must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. That how come Bill Clinton should be killed and go to hells for his crime of lies, for his crime of oral s 酒店經紀ex; Hillary Clinton should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later for her oral crime so called "Right Wing Conspiracy".   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租屋網  .

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